Submit Event

Do you have an event that will attract visitors to Hampshire? If so then you can list your event on for free.

We receive over 1m visitors to our website each year, and rank on the first page for search engines for “Events in Hampshire” “What’s on in Hampshire”.

Please complete the form below to ensure visitors have all the information about your event. Please ensure that you include an image (landscape oriented preferably) or we will be unable to upload your event to the Visit Hampshire website.

Visit Hampshire will ONLY list events that:

  • People will travel from outside the county to attend. 
  • Are not exclusively aimed at a local audience.

All events are checked by Visit Hampshire prior to being published. We recieve a high volume of events and it can take up to 2 weeks maximum for your event to be approved/rejected. If we feel your event is not relevant it may not be included on our website. 

Your event will not be accepted without a high resolution (1mb+) landscape image. 

Please enter your product information below.

The address where the event is taking place.
Please select your location here.
Please select the category which is most aligned to your event.
Booking number or if no booking number contact number.
Event website or website of organisers/venue.
Event email address or organiser/venue email address.
Please enter a description of your event. Please enter minimum 100 words.


Add dates to Date From and To. Select your opening and closing times. Please select an hour and a chosen minute, which is available in 15 minute intervals. You can add more than one opening time
From: *To: *
Price per person. Adult/Child/Concessions. Any discounts available.
Your name.